Friday, April 24, 2009

We Did It! $25 Million for Renewable Energy in 09 Alaska Budget!

Congratulations Renewable Energy Campaign, we did it! Last week the Legislature voted to include $25 million in the Alaska budget for Renewable Energy Development! Though this was less than what we were asking, ($50 million,) $25 million will go a long way to getting a lot of really cool Renewable Energy projects up and running! Thanks for all your signature gathering, letters to the editor, interviews, and talking with your legislators that made this happen!

Now - On to Phase 2 of the Renewable Energy Campaign!
We have a lot of work to do still to educate Alaskans about the potential for Renewable Energy - and to make sure that the Governor puts more money for Renewable Energy in the budget for next year.

Currently the following people are conducting research and creating slides for the presentation:
- Nara and Robyn (Anchorage): Solar
- Noah (Healy): Biomass
- Janelle (Chefornak): Wind
- Talitha (Juneau): Hydro

They are each also getting ready to give their first presentations to their communities. We need your help to do more presentations around Alaska!

Join us at our next Teleconference Meeting on Tuesday, May 5 at 6pm to line up our summer plans and discuss where we will do our presentations! (1-800-791-2345, passcode 33749#)

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